Tag: social connection

Connect Night: Healthy Cooking Class

A mom and daughter participate in a healthy cooking class at Cancer Care Services.

Register Here for our Healthy Cooking Class: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

In partnership with Cuisine for Healing, Cancer Care Services will be hosting a family cooking night. Join us as we learn a new recipe to cook together. While we enjoy our meals, we will learn some tips and tools on how to have important conversations around the dinner table.

To RSVP, contact: Megan Clifton, Director of Client Engagement

megan@cancercareservices.org | 817-921-0653

Únase a nosotros y con el Chef Noah de Cuisine for For Healing para una demostración de cocina saludable. Chef Noah le guiará a través de una receta saludable, a la vez que aprende consejos de cocina en el proceso. Después de haber preparado nuestra comida, ¡comeremos juntos y disfrutaremos del compañerismo de los que nos rodean!

Para confirmar su asistencia, comuníquese con: Megan Clifton, Directora de Relaciones con los Clientes

megan@cancercareservices.org | 817-921-0653

Connect Night: Valentine’s Dinner 2025

A couple dances at a Connect Night: Valentine's Dinner hosted by Cancer CareServices.

Register Here for Valentine’s Dinner 2025: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

All singles and couples impacted by cancer are invited! Come join us for food, fun, break-out sessions, and dancing. We hope to see you there! *Free childcare is provided.

¡Todos los solteros y parejas están invitados! Acompañenos a la comida, la diversión, las sesiones de trabajo y el baile. ¡Esperamos verte ahí! *Tenemos cuidado de niños gratis disponible.

Spiritual Care: Enlightenment Through Candle Making

A person trims the wick of a candle in a candle-making class.

Join us for a unique event where we’ll explore your spiritual journeys while creating personalized candles. Candles have long been a symbol of light, used in various religious and spiritual practices to represent hope, energy, and enlightenment. Come engage in meaningful discussions and craft a candle that resonates with your spiritual path!

For more information and to RSVP, contact: Jamie Madrigal, MSW | Spiritual Social Worker


Únase a nosotros en un evento único en el que exploraremos sus viajes espirituales mientras creamos velas personalizadas. Las velas han sido un símbolo de luz, utilizado en varias prácticas religiosas y espirituales para representar la esperanza, la energía y la iluminación. Ven a participar en conversaciones significativas y crea una vela que resuene con tu camino espiritual.

Para obtener más información y confirmar su asistencia, comuníquese con: Jamie Madrigal, MSW | trabajadora social


Connect Night: Friendsgiving 2024

A boy has a full plate of food at Friendsgiving hosted by Cancer Care Services.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

Join both Connect and Spiritual Care services for a Friendsgiving baking class! A chef will lead us through baking our favorite holiday pies. You will also take home the ingredients so you can make the pie during the holidays for your friends and family.

Acompáñenos a celebrar Friendsgiving con una clase de pastelería con los grupos de Connect y del Cuidado Espiritual. Un cocinero nos dirigirá en la clase de cocina para cocer nuestras tartas festivas favoritas. También se llevará a casa los ingredientes necesarios para cocinar su propia tarta durante los días festivos para compatir con sus seres queridos.


Creating a Safe Space for Teens

A diverse group of teenagers pose in front of a lake at Cancer Care's Teen Retreat 2024.

A Special Story of Hope from Teen Retreat 2024

Connections can change lives as they did for Jayden, a 15-year-old who recently lost his mom to breast cancer. This summer, we hosted our second Teen Retreat, a two-day therapeutic retreat focused on coping and connection for teens impacted by cancer. There, Jayden found a safe space to connect with others who understood his grief.

Struggling with losing his mom and hesitant to attend therapy, Jayden was reserved and quiet the first morning. Jayden blossomed through the retreat’s therapeutic activities and found solace in connections with those sharing his experience. After attending the Teen Retreat, Jayden found the strength to cope with his grief and is now ready for counseling.

Imagine the strength Jayden draws from knowing he’s not alone. This strength comes from connecting with others who have had a mom, dad, grandparent, sibling, or a loved one diagnosed with cancer.

What is Cancer Care’s Teen Retreat?

Cancer Care’s Teen Retreat aims to fill the gap of support for teens with a loved one impacted by cancer. This overnight retreat at YMCA Camp Carter involves sneakily therapeutic activities and lots of outdoor time! This year, our camper tried out new activities like paddle boarding and archery tag!

From splashing in the pool to therapeutic kickball, our camp counselors ensured every activity was infused with bonding time and coping tools. When doing “highs and lows” on the last day, the only low our teens gave was that the retreat was not long enough!

We’re so excited to see our teens again next year!

Three teenage boys wearing black helmets pose while holding archery tag bows at Teen Retreat 2024. A teenage girl and boy high five while playing kickball at Teen Retreat 2024.A teenage girl sits on a paddle board in the middle of a lake at Teen Retreat 2024.A teenage boy waves as he zips past on a zipline at Teen Retreat 2024.

Camp Connect 2024

Cancer Care Services will be hosting a fall, overnight retreat at YMCA Camp Carter. Family and friends will be able to enjoy a day of archery, hiking, canoeing, high ropes course, a campfire with s’mores, and more! You don’t want to miss it!

To RSVP, contact: Megan Clifton, Director of Client Engagement


Cancer Care Services celebrará un retiro de otoño, durante la noche en YMCA Camp Carter. ¡La familia y los amigos podrán disfrutar de un día de tiro con arco, senderismo, piragüismo, curso de cuerdas altas, una fogata con s’mores, y mucho más! ¡No querrás perdértelo!

Para confirmar tu asistencia, contacta con nosotros: Megan Clifton, Director of Client Engagement


Fire Family First

Fire Family First is a monthly gathering of firefighter families impacted by cancer on the first Tuesday of the month throughout 2024. The evening is facilitated by Cameron Brown, a retired Fort Worth firefighter, and Cancer Care staff who will provide caregiver support and therapeutic activities for children.

Families welcome!

Dinner is provided 6:00 – 6:30 pm.

Families welcome!

For planning purposes, please register to attend: https://qrco.de/firefamilyfirst

For questions, contact Deanna Stuart at Deanna@CancerCareServices.org or 817-921-0653.


Cancer Care Services

623 S Henderson St

Fort Worth, TX 76104


CampCARE 2024 in Action

What’s happening at CampCARE 2024?

CampCARE 2024 is in full swing! Each year, we host a week-long summer day camp for children ages 5-12 who have a loved one impacted by cancer. This week, we have already hiked nature trails, caught giant fish, played laser tag, canoed with friends, and so much more.

A group of pre-teens stand in a group overlooking a scenic view at CampCARE 2024. Two pre-teen boys race during a game at CampCARE 2024.

Day One saw our campers welcome friends with big hugs and excited laughter. Our talented counseling team led fun get-to-know-you games that inspired new friendships and bonds – and helped each child realize they are not the only one impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

Two girls and one boy roll cookie dough into balls to place onto a baking sheet at CampCARE 2024.A young girl pets a snake held by a handler while two boys watch in awe at CampCARE 2024.

Day Two introduced new games like laser tag and brought back old favorites like archery! Each activity allows a child to grow beyond their comfort zone and build self-confidence.

A young girl stands in an archery range preparing her bow and arrow at CampCARE 2024.
Click on the image above to watch activities from Day 2 of CampCARE!

We are so grateful to the Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth for making CampCARE possible. Thank you to our many wonderful volunteers, donors, board of directors, and staff for creating a safe, welcoming, and fun-filled camp!

Keep up with the fun on our Facebook and Instagram!


Reel Connection 2024

An older man unhooks a fish from a young man's fishing pole at Reel Connection.

Join us for our annual fishing event: Reel Connection. We will spend the morning fishing out at YMCA Camp Carter. Breakfast items, coffee, and a catered lunch from Carpenter’s Cafe will be included. Cancer Care Services will provide the fishing poles and all fishing supplies. Please bring your favorite outdoor chairs and/or blankets. It’s going to be a fun morning!

To RSVP, contact Megan Clifton, Director of Client Engagement: Megan@CancerCareServices.org

Acompáñenos en nuestro evento anual de pesca: Reel Connection. Pasaremos la mañana pescando en YMCA Camp Carter. Se servirá desayuno, café, y un almuerzo proporcionado por Carpenter’s Cafe. Cancer Care Services proporcionará las cañas de pescar y todo lo que necesita para la pesca. Por favor, traiga sus sillas favoritas al aire libre, y / o mantas. ¡Será una mañana divertida!

Para inscribirse, póngase en contacto con Megan Clifton, Director of Client Engagement: Megan@CancerCareServices.org


Interested in volunteering? Find Reel Connection volunteer opportunities on our Volunteer Portal.

Connect Night: Art Therapy 2024

2 women participate in Art Therapy for cancer patients at a Connect Night.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

Join us for art therapy night! Come hungry and ready to get your creativity on! Our Clinical Director, Brianna Silva, will be leading us through an art therapy activity. Dinner will also be provided.

¡Acompáñanos en nuestra Noche de Conexión para explorar tu talento artístico! Un terapeuta de arte nos acompañará para dirigir una actividad de arteterapia para ti y tus seres queridos. La cena será proporcionada.