Tag: supporting event

Revenge of the Beards

Revenge of the Beards 2023 poster

“The North Texas Beard Alliance has returned with Revenge of the Beards, a beard and mustache competition for charity, this year’s proceeds will be donated to Cancer Care Services of Fort Worth. This year’s extravaganza will have 13 different categories of facial hair including our world-famous Texas Red Beard™ category, and many more. The event is free to attend for spectators!

Special Thanks to our Title sponsor Mad Viking Beard and Mustache Company! Please check them out!”






Natural Mustache – Mustache may be styled but without aids. Sideburns unconnected to the mustache are permissible; they cannot be overstated and will not be considered during the judging

Styled Mustache – A styled mustache is any length of hair styled with any product. Styling aids are permitted. Sideburns unconnected to the mustache are permissible; they cannot be overstated and will not be considered during judging.

Groomed Beard – under 7″ – 7″ from the bottom of the lip maximum. Judges will be looking for the best overall appearance of the participant, with emphasis on the beard and shape and how dapper A.F. you are; styling aid permitted in beard only.

Full Beard with Styled Moustache – Competitors must have a full beard of any length and a styled mustache; styling aids are permitted in mustache only.

Whiskerina Creative – You may use any beard or mustache style to inspire your design. You are encouraged to use creativity in material choices. The creation must be able to hang freely on the face or general head area.

Freestyle Beard – Anything goes, styling products are highly encouraged. Competitors will be judged on creativity. Competitors that don’t fit into another category will be placed into Freestyle.

Chops – Chin is shaven at least 1.5″ (4 cm, the width of a razor blade) and hair is optional on the upper lip. The mustache may or may not be connected, also known as the “friendly or unfriendly” chops. No styling aids allowed.

Goatee – The goatee appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! The goatee and mustache may be maintained but without any styling aids. There must be a clean-shaven section of at least 1.5″ (4 cm, the width of a razor blade) between the onset of the head hair and the beard.

Donegal – Full beard, no mustache; also known as the Whaler, Abe Lincoln, or Amish. The focus is on the full natural beard with no mustache. No styling aids allowed. No mustache allowed. Points for length, girth & shape. Extra points for no mustache.

Texas Red Beard™ – A North Texas Beard Alliance’s crowd favorite since our first competition back in 2011. Only contestants with a certain gingerness may enter. The color is the emphasis, but growth should also be considered.

Business Beard – 4″ and under: Highly groomed and manicured beard no longer than 4 inches. Shaping and manscaping are encouraged. Styling aids are allowed. This category is for shorter groomed beards. Businesses beard for the businessman.

Full Beard Natural – under 12″ – The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! Competitors will be judged on length, fullness, and overall appearance. No styling products are allowed.

Full Beard Natural – over 12″ – The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! Competitors will be judged on length, fullness, and overall appearance. No styling products are allowed.

Get Your Rear in Gear 2023

Get Your Rear in Gear participants

Get Your Rear in Gear events are held across the country in an effort to raise awareness of the importance of colon cancer screenings. The money raised at these events empower local community leaders to promote prevention and early detection of the disease and to provide support to those affected.

Info from Get Your Rear in Gear:

DATE: Sunday, March 19, 2023

LOCATION: Trinity Park, 2401 University Drive, Fort Worth, TX, 76107

Registration Fee:
**Colorectal cancer patients and survivors register for Free**
Early Bird Fees:
Through February 19

Adult: $30
Youth (18 and under): $18
Kid’s Fun Run (10 and under): $18
Virtual Participant: $25

Regular Fees:
February 19 – Event Day

Adult: $35
Youth (18 and under): $20
Kid’s Fun Run (10 and under): $20
Virtual Participant: $25

Register Here: https://donate.coloncancercoalition.org/fortworth/Account/Register

Sign up to volunteer!

Save 2nd Base Fundraiser at HWY BAR

Save 2nd Base Fundraiser at HWY BAR

Join Save 2nd Base’s 2nd Annual Breast Cancer Fundraiser benefiting Cancer Care Services in Fort Worth. They will be selling Save 2nd Base koozies, signing mammogram pledges, hosting a 50/50 raffle, as well as having Don Mario’s Taco Truck!

Wheels for Wellness Downtown Fort Worth Benefit Car Show

Wheels for Wellness Downtown
Wheels for Wellness is hosting a free Downtown Fort Worth Benefit Car Show and PSA screening on September 21st! All proceeds go to beneficiaries to raise prostate cancer awareness and provide free PSA screenings.

Wheels for Wellness, Inc. is a nonprofit foundation composed of men and women who have a passion for cars and healthy lifestyles. At the core of its mission is a desire to promote awareness of wellness to the general public, specifically around the issue of Prostate Cancer. This includes the foundation providing resources and services to selected nonprofit organizations involved in screening, patient care, medical research, financial aid, and support services.

DATE: September 21, 2024| CAR SHOW TIME: 10:00AM-3:00PM (Gate opens at 7:30AM)

To Volunteer: https://wheelsforwellness.org/volunteer


PRE-REGISTRATION: (not currently open)

DAY-OF-REGISTRATION: $40.00 (If available, space is limited)

LOCATION: Downtown Fort Worth – Sundance Square

Wheels for Wellness at Pate

Wheels for Wellness at Pate

Wheels for Wellness, Inc. is a nonprofit foundation composed of men and women who have a passion for cars and healthy lifestyles. At the core of its mission is a desire to promote awareness of wellness to the general public, specifically around the issue of Prostate Cancer. This includes the foundation providing resources and services to selected nonprofit organizations involved in screening, patient care, medical research, financial aid, and support services.






Woody’s Cup 2022

Woody's Cup 2022

Welcome to the Annual Woody’s Cup benefitting Cancer Care Services and Beads Of Courage! Golf at Pecan Valley Golf Course and BBQ afterwards at Woody’s Tavern. Golf starts at 8 am shotgun start and the BBQ, Raffle, silent auction, and awards will start immediately after usually around 12:30 pm, and run until 5 pm. Come join Cancer Care at the raffle and auction!

Woody’s Tavern

4744 Bryant Irvin Rd Suite #946

Fort Worth, Texas 76107

Get Your Rear in Gear

Get Your Rear in Gear participants

Get Your Rear in Gear events are held across the country in an effort to raise awareness of the importance of colon cancer screenings. The money raised at these events empower local community leaders to promote prevention and early detection of the disease and to provide support to those affected.

Info from Get Your Rear in Gear:

DATE: Sunday, March 20, 2022

LOCATION: Trinity Park, Pavilion #1 / Shelter House

Registration Fee:
**Colorectal cancer patients and survivors register for Free**
Adult: $28
Youth (12 and under): $18
Kids’ Fun Run (10 and under): $18
Virtual Participant: $20

Race Day
Adult: $35
Youth (12 and under): $20
Kids’ Fun Run (10 and under): $20

Please note: fees are non-refundable and race bibs are non-transferable.  Only participants who pre-register up to 3 weeks before the race are guaranteed a race shirt.  Race shirts for day of registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Online Registration closes Wednesday, March 16 at midnight. Register Here: https://donate.coloncancercoalition.org/fortworth/Account/Register

Sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f44a5ac2ca7fcc52-2022