Tag: social connection

Fire Family First

Fire Family First is a monthly gathering of firefighter families impacted by cancer on the first Tuesday of the month throughout 2024. The evening is facilitated by Cameron Brown, a retired Fort Worth firefighter, and Tracey Willingham, who provides caregiver support. A child therapy professional will provide therapeutic activities for the children of firefighters during the gathering.

Families welcome!

Dinner is provided 6:00 – 6:30 pm.

Families welcome!

For planning purposes, please register to attend: https://qrco.de/firefamilyfirst

For questions, contact Deanna Stuart at Deanna@CancerCareServices.org or 817-921-0653.


Cancer Care Services

623 S Henderson St

Fort Worth, TX 76104

Fire Family First Flyer



Fire Family First

Fire Family First is a monthly gathering of firefighter families impacted by cancer on the first Tuesday of the month throughout 2024. The evening is facilitated by Cameron Brown, a retired Fort Worth firefighter, and Tracey Willingham, who provides caregiver support. A child therapy professional will provide therapeutic activities for the children of firefighters during the gathering.

Families welcome!

Dinner is provided 6:00 – 6:30 pm.

Families welcome!

For planning purposes, please register to attend: https://qrco.de/firefamilyfirst

For questions, contact Deanna Stuart at Deanna@CancerCareServices.org or 817-921-0653.


Cancer Care Services

623 S Henderson St

Fort Worth, TX 76104

Fire Family First Flyer



Celebrating Love

A couple slow dances at Cancer Care's Valentine's Dinner 2024.

Valentine’s Dinner 2024 Recap

“Will you be our Valentine?” 41 cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones said “yes!”

A couple poses for a Valentine's themed photo booth at a Cancer Care Services Connect Night.

Cancer Care shared the love at our annual Valentine’s Dinner (generously hosted by AHUMC) with intentional couples/family bonding sessions and a freshly prepared gourmet dinner with live piano accompaniment. The night concluded with a dance party featuring a command performance by our very own VP of Programs, Tracey, as the DJ!

A group of women dance at the annual Valentine's DInner.

Newly engaged couples and long-time partners were present, in addition to singles and friends. Couples answered guided questions to strengthen their relationship while our singles gathered to discuss topics based on conversation hearts!
A couple laughs at Cancer Care Services' Valentine's Dinner 2024.
One of our clients, Therese, was “…bound and determined to make it out tonightI have not been out of the house since my surgery, but really wanted to come tonight to share this experience with my husband, son, and grandson. I am so glad I came. We made wonderful memories.”

The dinner and dancing were a welcome break from the challenges of cancer, and parents were able to enjoy this rare one-on-one time thanks to free childcare. Everyone experienced moments of joy and connection with their loved ones – reminding them that they don’t have to cope with cancer alone.

A couple dances at Cancer Care's Valentine's Dinner.

Wondering how to support cancer patients and their families all year long?

Valentine’s Day may be over, but you can spread the love all year long. Join our monthly giving club so that cancer patients like Therese can continue to make special memories with her family. Every amount makes a difference, even just $10 a month (the cost of a nice box of chocolates!):

Connect Night: Valentine’s Dinner 2024

A couple dances at a Connect Night: Valentine's Dinner hosted by Cancer CareServices.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

All singles and couples impacted by cancer are invited! Come join us for food, fun, break-out sessions, and dancing. We hope to see you there! *Free childcare is provided.

¡Todos los solteros y parejas están invitados! Acompañenos a la comida, la diversión, las sesiones de trabajo y el baile. ¡Esperamos verte ahí! *Tenemos cuidado de niños gratis disponible.

Connect Night: Cooking Class

Connect Night: Cooking Class

Join us as we kick off 2024 with a healthy cooking class. A chef will guide us in creating a healthy meal, and we will end the evening by enjoying what we prepare.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

Sign up here to volunteer.

Noche de conexión: Clase de Cocina

Acompáñenos a celebrar el año nuevo 2024 con una clase de cocina saludable. Un chef nos va a dirigir a crear una comida saludable, y terminaremos la tarde disfrutando lo que preparamos.

Para registrarse: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

Para voluntario: contacten con Megan Clifton or registrate aquí.

Connect Night: Art Therapy

Connect Night: Art Therapy

Join us for our Connect Night as we channel our inner artsy side! An art therapist will be on hand to guide you and your loved ones through a therapeutic art activity. Dinner will be provided.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

To volunteer: Contact Megan Clifton or sign up.

Noche de conexión: Arteterapia

¡Acompáñanos en nuestra noche de Connect para explorar nuestro talento artístico! Un terapeuta de arte nos acompañará para guiarte a ti y a tus seres queridos en una actividad de arteterapia. La cena será proporcionada. 

Para registrarse: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

Para voluntario: contacten con Megan Clifton or registrate aquí.

Connect Night: Art Therapy flyer

Fire Family First

Firefighter support group flyer

Fire Family First is a monthly gathering of firefighter families impacted by cancer on the first Tuesday of each month throughout 2023 (except for July 4th).

The evening will be facilitated by Cameron Brown, D.Min., M.Div., BSSW, retired Fort Worth firefighter. Therapeutic play and activities for the children of firefighters during the gathering will be provided.

Dinner is provided 6:00 – 6:30 pm.

Families welcome!

For planning purposes, please register to attend: https://qrco.de/firefamilyfirst

For questions, contact Deanna Stuart at Deanna@CancerCareServices.org or 817-921-0653.


Cancer Care Services

623 S Henderson St

Fort Worth, TX 76104

This monthly event is hosted by Cancer Care Services and the Cowtown Cancer Coalition.

Fire Family First Flyer

Fire Family First

Firefighter support group flyer

Fire Family First is a monthly gathering of firefighter families impacted by cancer on the first Tuesday of each month throughout 2023 (except for July 4th).

The evening will be facilitated by Cameron Brown, D.Min., M.Div., BSSW, retired Fort Worth firefighter. Therapeutic play and activities for the children of firefighters during the gathering will be provided.

Dinner is provided 6:00 – 6:30 pm.

Families welcome!

For planning purposes, please register to attend: https://qrco.de/firefamilyfirst

For questions, contact Deanna Stuart at Deanna@CancerCareServices.org or 817-921-0653.


Cancer Care Services

623 S Henderson St

Fort Worth, TX 76104

This monthly event is hosted by Cancer Care Services and the Cowtown Cancer Coalition.

Fire Family First Flyer

Fire Family First

Firefighter support group flyer

Fire Family First is a monthly gathering of firefighter families impacted by cancer on the first Tuesday of each month throughout 2023 (except for July 4th).

The evening will be facilitated by Cameron Brown, D.Min., M.Div., BSSW, retired Fort Worth firefighter. Therapeutic play and activities for the children of firefighters during the gathering will be provided.

Dinner is provided 6:00 – 6:30 pm.

Families welcome!

For planning purposes, please register to attend: https://qrco.de/firefamilyfirst

For questions, contact Deanna Stuart at Deanna@CancerCareServices.org or 817-921-0653.


Cancer Care Services

623 S Henderson St

Fort Worth, TX 76104

This monthly event is hosted by Cancer Care Services and the Cowtown Cancer Coalition.

Fire Family First Flyer

Fire Family First

Firefighter support group flyer

Fire Family First is a monthly gathering of firefighter families impacted by cancer on the first Tuesday of each month throughout 2023 (except for July 4th).

The evening will be facilitated by Cameron Brown, D.Min., M.Div., BSSW, retired Fort Worth firefighter. Therapeutic play and activities for the children of firefighters during the gathering will be provided.

Dinner is provided 6:00 – 6:30 pm.

Families welcome!

For planning purposes, please register to attend: https://qrco.de/firefamilyfirst

For questions, contact Deanna Stuart at Deanna@CancerCareServices.org or 817-921-0653.


Cancer Care Services

623 S Henderson St

Fort Worth, TX 76104

This monthly event is hosted by Cancer Care Services and the Cowtown Cancer Coalition.

Fire Family First Flyer