Tag: client activities

Connect Night: Healthy Cooking Class

A mom and daughter participate in a healthy cooking class at Cancer Care Services.

Register Here for our Healthy Cooking Class: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

In partnership with Cuisine for Healing, Cancer Care Services will be hosting a family cooking night. Join us as we learn a new recipe to cook together. While we enjoy our meals, we will learn some tips and tools on how to have important conversations around the dinner table.

To RSVP, contact: Megan Clifton, Director of Client Engagement

megan@cancercareservices.org | 817-921-0653

Únase a nosotros y con el Chef Noah de Cuisine for For Healing para una demostración de cocina saludable. Chef Noah le guiará a través de una receta saludable, a la vez que aprende consejos de cocina en el proceso. Después de haber preparado nuestra comida, ¡comeremos juntos y disfrutaremos del compañerismo de los que nos rodean!

Para confirmar su asistencia, comuníquese con: Megan Clifton, Directora de Relaciones con los Clientes

megan@cancercareservices.org | 817-921-0653

Connect Night: Valentine’s Dinner 2025

A couple dances at a Connect Night: Valentine's Dinner hosted by Cancer CareServices.

Register Here for Valentine’s Dinner 2025: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

All singles and couples impacted by cancer are invited! Come join us for food, fun, break-out sessions, and dancing. We hope to see you there! *Free childcare is provided.

¡Todos los solteros y parejas están invitados! Acompañenos a la comida, la diversión, las sesiones de trabajo y el baile. ¡Esperamos verte ahí! *Tenemos cuidado de niños gratis disponible.

Connect Night: Friendsgiving 2024

A boy has a full plate of food at Friendsgiving hosted by Cancer Care Services.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

Join both Connect and Spiritual Care services for a Friendsgiving baking class! A chef will lead us through baking our favorite holiday pies. You will also take home the ingredients so you can make the pie during the holidays for your friends and family.

Acompáñenos a celebrar Friendsgiving con una clase de pastelería con los grupos de Connect y del Cuidado Espiritual. Un cocinero nos dirigirá en la clase de cocina para cocer nuestras tartas festivas favoritas. También se llevará a casa los ingredientes necesarios para cocinar su propia tarta durante los días festivos para compatir con sus seres queridos.


Connect Night: Art Therapy 2024

2 women participate in Art Therapy for cancer patients at a Connect Night.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

Join us for art therapy night! Come hungry and ready to get your creativity on! Our Clinical Director, Brianna Silva, will be leading us through an art therapy activity. Dinner will also be provided.

¡Acompáñanos en nuestra Noche de Conexión para explorar tu talento artístico! Un terapeuta de arte nos acompañará para dirigir una actividad de arteterapia para ti y tus seres queridos. La cena será proporcionada.

Celebrating Love

A couple slow dances at Cancer Care's Valentine's Dinner 2024.

Valentine’s Dinner 2024 Recap

“Will you be our Valentine?” 41 cancer patients, survivors, and their loved ones said “yes!”

A couple poses for a Valentine's themed photo booth at a Cancer Care Services Connect Night.

Cancer Care shared the love at our annual Valentine’s Dinner (generously hosted by AHUMC) with intentional couples/family bonding sessions and a freshly prepared gourmet dinner with live piano accompaniment. The night concluded with a dance party featuring a command performance by our very own VP of Programs, Tracey, as the DJ!

A group of women dance at the annual Valentine's DInner.

Newly engaged couples and long-time partners were present, in addition to singles and friends. Couples answered guided questions to strengthen their relationship while our singles gathered to discuss topics based on conversation hearts!
A couple laughs at Cancer Care Services' Valentine's Dinner 2024.
One of our clients, Therese, was “…bound and determined to make it out tonightI have not been out of the house since my surgery, but really wanted to come tonight to share this experience with my husband, son, and grandson. I am so glad I came. We made wonderful memories.”

The dinner and dancing were a welcome break from the challenges of cancer, and parents were able to enjoy this rare one-on-one time thanks to free childcare. Everyone experienced moments of joy and connection with their loved ones – reminding them that they don’t have to cope with cancer alone.

A couple dances at Cancer Care's Valentine's Dinner.

Wondering how to support cancer patients and their families all year long?

Valentine’s Day may be over, but you can spread the love all year long. Join our monthly giving club so that cancer patients like Therese can continue to make special memories with her family. Every amount makes a difference, even just $10 a month (the cost of a nice box of chocolates!):

Connect Night: Valentine’s Dinner 2024

A couple dances at a Connect Night: Valentine's Dinner hosted by Cancer CareServices.

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

All singles and couples impacted by cancer are invited! Come join us for food, fun, break-out sessions, and dancing. We hope to see you there! *Free childcare is provided.

¡Todos los solteros y parejas están invitados! Acompañenos a la comida, la diversión, las sesiones de trabajo y el baile. ¡Esperamos verte ahí! *Tenemos cuidado de niños gratis disponible.

Empowering children impacted by cancer

Group photo at CampCARE 2023

CampCARE 2023 Wrap Up

CampCARE was “out of this world” (this year’s theme)! 75 children, ages 5-12 who have a loved one with cancer, attended Cancer Care’s week-long day camp. We were thrilled to welcome 31 new campers this year!

The campers hiked, canoed, fished, swam, fed horses, tried archery, met Fort Worth firefighters, conquered the ropes course, and, most importantly – shared their cancer experiences with their peers and learned healthy ways to cope, thanks to our therapists on staff. By the end of the week, each child KNEW they were not alone in their cancer journeys.

One of our priorities during CampCARE is to provide creative ways for the children to express their thoughts and feelings. This year, every child decorated a t-shirt in honor or memory of their loved one with cancer. One of the campers honored her dad, who has cancer, by writing, “My dad is a warrior.So empowering for them both!

A young girl at CampCARE 2023 shows the front of her decorated t-shirt. A young girl at CampCARE 2023 shows the back of her decorated t-shirt.

Because finances shouldn’t mean that a child has to cope with cancer alone, CampCARE is always FREE to attend.

One mom shared, “I just wanted to say thank you so much for inviting our children to Camp Carter! It was such a blessing to be able to have them attend and there was no way we would have been able to send all 3 of them for a whole week. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much! They loved every minute of it and made some wonderful memories!”

CampCARE in the News

NBC 5 featured CampCARE in their #SomethingGood segment! Check out the video below or view the segment on the NBCDFW website.

Sharing Gratitude

Lastly, we would like to thank the many people who made CampCARE an out-of-this-world event. We are proud of our Camp Director and counseling team for making every child feel loved and heard! The CampCARE crew leaders did a fantastic job guiding their groups and encouraging bonding. We were blessed with many volunteers that decorated the retreat center, helped the camp run smoothly, and cleaned up. To the Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth and our donors – we could not bring help and hope to our campers without you! Thank you!

Empower Children Impacted by Cancer

If you would like to support life-changing programs like CampCARE, please consider joining our monthly giving club. The Hope Collective ensures that those impacted by cancer receive financial, emotional, and practical support all year round.

Reel Connection 2023

Three kids sit on a dock fishing at Reel Connection.

Family Fishing Day: Reel Connection 2023

Reel Connection is a one-day fishing event at YMCA Camp Carter. Clients and their loved ones are invited to enjoy a morning of fishing, light breakfast items, and nature! Fishing poles and all supplies will be provided. A box-style lunch will also be served. Bring your chairs, blankets, sunscreen, and smiles!

To RSVP, contact:
Megan Clifton, Client Connection Manager

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

To volunteer: Contact Megan Clifton or sign up.

Día de pesca de la familia: Reel Connection 2023

Reel Connection es un evento de un día en Camp Carter de YMCA. ¡Clientes y sus seres queridos son invitados para disfrutar una mañana de pesca, aperitivos de desayuno y la naturaleza! Cañas de pescar y todo el equipo será proveído. Un lonche será servido. ¡Traigan sus sillas, cobijas, protector solar y sus sonrisas!

Para mas informacion contacten con,
Megan Clifton, Client Connection Manager


Reel Connection 2023 flyer in EnglishReel Connection 2023 flyer in Spanish

January Connect Night: Cooking with Cuisine for Healing

A family and volunteer participate in a cooking class at a Cancer Care Services Connect Night.

January Connect Night

Join us for our first Connect Night of the year: Cooking With Cuisine for Healing! Cuisine for Healing will lead us in a healthy, delicious Cooking Class in which you and your loved ones can participate. We will make the recipe together, then eat what we made! You don’t want to miss it!

To RSVP, contact:
Megan Clifton, Client Connection Manager

Register Here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210046374588156

To volunteer: Contact Megan Clifton or sign up.

Noche de conexión de enero

Acompañenos para nuestra primera Noche de Conexión del año: ¡Cocinando con Cuisine for Healing! Cuisine for Healing nos guiará en una clase de cocina saludable y deliciosa en la que usted y sus seres queridos pueden participar. ¡Haremos juntos la receta y luego comeremos lo que hicimos! ¡No te lo querrás perder!

Para mas informacion contacten con,
Megan Clifton, Client Connection Manager

January Connect Night FlyerJanuary Connect Night Flyer


Camp Connect 2022

Three girls at Camp Connect.

Fall Retreat: Camp Connect 2022

Cancer Care Services will be hosting a fall, overnight retreat at YMCA Camp Carter. Family and friends will be able to enjoy a day of archery, hiking, canoeing, high ropes course, a campfire with s’mores, and more! You don’t want to miss it!

To RSVP, contact Megan Clifton, Client Connection Manager:



To Volunteer: Contact Megan Clifton or sign up here.

Retiro de otoño: Camp Connect 2022

Cancer Care Services celebrará un retiro de otoño, durante la noche en YMCA Camp Carter. ¡La familia y los amigos podrán disfrutar de un día de tiro con arco, senderismo, piragüismo, curso de cuerdas altas, una fogata con s’mores, y mucho más! ¡No querrás perdértelo!

Para confirmar tu asistencia, contacta con nosotros Megan Clifton, Client Connection Manager



Camp Connect 2022 Spanish Flyer Camp Connect 2022 EnglishFlyer