Hard Conversation_hug

How to Have a Hard Conversation:
4 Steps to Follow

Do you need to have a hard conversation with someone but don’t know where to start? Below are helpful steps to follow when preparing to have a difficult conversation.
  1. Describe the facts of the situation. 
    • Example: “I learned today that dad missed his radiation treatment.”
  2. Express your feelings or thoughts about the situation. 
    • Example: “I felt frustrated that dad missed his appointment since it was the start of his treatment.”
  3. Specify which behavior change you want to see or different outcomes. 
    • Example: “I would like us to work together to set up a schedule for us to share, to get dad to his future appointments.”
  4. Explain your concern if the outcome does not change or how this change may help everyone. Consequences can be both positive and negative.
    • Example: “If we both can share the responsibilities, we don’t have to worry about missing work, and dad can receive his treatments.”

Read more from this doctor’s hard conversation.

If you would like to discuss your specific situation with a social worker, please call us at 817-921-0653 or fill out the online form.

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